Our Mission and Our Principles

Our Mission

This informs what we are supposed to be doing as a body of Followers of Jesus Christ. The mission is linear and cyclical. We first must know Him before we are able to make Him known. But when we make Him known, we learn more about Him and that compels to keep doing it.

Our 4 Principles

This is the beginning, middle, and end of what we do. We must first start with prayer and ask God what it is He wants. Prayer is lifeline we have to the mind, heart, and will of God. So, no matter what we are doing, where we are going, or when He calls us, we will pray!

Keep It Simple

Keeping things simple helps us in many ways. It keeps us from gravitating towards the World’s standards. It also helps us focus on doing the right things in the right way. It helps to keep us dependent on God. So we will strive for excellence in simplicity.

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