To KNOW Christ and Make HIM Known
People like to think of Jesus as a gentle leader, a wise teacher, a moral man, and a kind shepherd.
But He was beyond our expectations!

Many think of Him as One who healed the sick, fed the hungry, calmed the storms, fought the establishment, or accepted the marginalized among us.
But He was MORE than that!

He came to bring hope to the hopeless
He came to bring light to the darkness
He came preaching His Kingdom
He came to welcome us into it.
He came to love the unloveable
He came to touch the untouchable
to forgive the unforgiveable
to find those who are lost.
He came to die on a cross for you and me

But He didn’t stay there
For 3 days later, He rose from the dead and is alive forever more!
Because of Him, there are some beliefs of vital importance for us and we hold dear