“… And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew  28:20b

Last week was an interesting week for me. I woke up Monday morning absolutely overwhelmed with all the pressures and worries of my life. Our roof is leaking, the oven is broken, some small appliances were fried in the latest electrical storm, issues with family, issues at church, and then to top it all off I had a few minor health issues as well. Whew! Separately, None of these wouldn’t be hardly a blip on the screen but collectively, I was drowning.

The old temptations of wanting to doubt or question the care and provision of God began to yell in my ear yet again, but then that small still voice reminded me of something. He is with me. Be still. Know that I am God.

Something quite remarkable began to take place. Each one of those concerns began to fade. The issues at church were resolved. My health began to improve. The roof, while still not fixed, is not going to be as much as we thought. Family issues subsided. And the oven… well… we can work around it for now. But something even better happened. Peace and wonder abounded.

His hand was clearly seen and each things were put into perspective as sat in awe and wonder of a God who loves us so much. It reminded me of a principle we try to live our lives by: “When life seems like it has gotten too big, focus on the bigger God and nothing can compare to Him.”

What a great and gracious reminder. God is with you when you are struggling. God is with you when it hurts. God is with you when you are drowning. God is with you when you feel overwhelmed. God is with you when others lash out. God is with you when you fall. God is with you when you can can’t see. God is with you. And He is God.

There is nothing in this world more overwhelming than God and that is such a gret thing!

Following Him,

Pastor Jeff