December 2020

It’s the Christmas season, and we are ready to celebrate! In fact, we’ve sort of already started! We exceeded our goal of packing 100 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child! The youth & kids packed 100 boxes at their packing party and 18 more boxes were brought in already packed! Thank you so much for all your donations and work to bless children in need around the world! We have many more things planned for celebrating the birth of our Savior this month. Some things are the same and some things look a little different. Our Holiday Dinner will be a drive-thru this year, but will offer the same delicious food! Our Live Nativity will be drive-thru also, and will feature six different stations telling the story of Jesus’ birth. We are excited to reach our community in this “same but different” ministry. Our FBKids and Youth will celebrate the holiday with parties, programs and caroling with a mix of same & different. And our Christmas Eve service will be much the same as we gather to quiet our souls and focus our hearts on the meaning of Christmas and prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth with our families and friends on Christmas Day. It’s going to be a great month! Join us when you can- either in person or online- and be part of what God is doing in both the new and the familiar this December at FBC Ramsey!