Praise the Lord! November is over! This has been the longest month for me. The surgery went well, without many problems. The issues came when I got home. You would think that have weeks of doing nothing with no responsibilities would be a dream. But it didn’t take long to realize, this is NOT fun. Day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute, time just seemed to drag along at such a slow rate. The best word I could come up with about how I was feeling about the recovery thing is…annoyed.
Everything annoyed me. Have to get up off the chair annoyed me, getting out of bed annoyed me, looking out the window annoyed me, but most of all, not having a purpose for my days (except healing) really annoyed me.
But somewhere in the middle of all the annoyance, I began to realize quite a few things. One reason for the struggle was because I was learning dependence. I am used to doing everything myself, and now I have to rely on others (mostly Stephanie) to do the simplest tasks.
I also learned that there are times I need rest (maybe just not a month’s worth). Being still as forced me work live in prayer. Prayer is becoming less of something I do and becoming more something I live in. I found myself simply have long talks with God with little formality and religious overtones. He was simply there with me and talked with Him as I would anyone else.
Another thing I learned was how much I love and care for you. You have shown us so much support during this time. One of the fears we had going into this was that we would feel disconnect from you and all that was going on in your lives. But your calls, prayers, food, visits, and gifts helped to be connected even when we weren’t able to be there physically. We felt loved and cared by you and there is no way to adequately express our thanks. But in this season of thanksgiving and gift giving, you are one of the greatest gifts God has given us.
Following Him,