“He would speak the word to them with many parables like these, as they were able to understand. And He did not speak to them without a parable. Privately, however, He would explain everything to His own disciples.” Mark 4:33-34
I love a good story. A good story involves action, drama, comedy, and a few twists here and there. A good story draws you in and captivates you in a way which makes you excited for what is coming next. A good story presents a problem, often one which is seemingly impossible to solve, and then out of nowhere a solution is discovered! A good story will inspire you to be different and move beyond your preconceived capabilities. A good story will stay with you.
Jesus was a master storyteller. Whenever He wanted to explain a foreign concept (i.e. The Kingdom of God), He would tell stories to explain it. We call those stories parables. The amazing thing Jesus did with these parables was He often wouldn’t give away the meaning, He just told the story. It was then up to the people who heard the story to try and discover what He was talking about. However, He would let His disciples in on the meaning so they could be prepared to help the people in their journey for answers.
Here’s a surprising thing, which you may not be aware of, you have a great story to tell. If you are a follower of Jesus, you have a story which has all the elements of a great story. You had a problem which seemingly had no answer (sin), then someone told you about a potential solution. It sounded too good to be true, but too good not to search for. Along the way there were twists and turns (events, questions, heartache, etc.…), but somehow you saw Jesus for who He is and gave your life to Him.
When you tell your story, people will be inspired and moved by it. Maybe, just maybe, it will be your story which God will use to reveal Himself and they may repent and follow Jesus themselves. This year we are going to hear a lot of stories of encounters with Jesus, both ancient and current. Will your story be heard? I hope so because it is too good to not tell. It is an important story which we all need to hear. And I, for one, can’t wait!
Following Him,