New News From Pastor Jeff

“And they went out and preached that people were to repent. And they were casting out many demons and were anointing with oil many sick people and healing them.” – Mark 6:12-13

When Jesus walked on the Earth, He did many miraculous things. He performed miracle after miracle. The crowds wanted to make Him king or some burgeoning political leader which would rise up and lead them into better days. He could have easily gathered a large force of eager, desperate men and women and overthrown any and every force they would encounter.

Common sense says, what good is power, if you don’t use it? So logic looks at the use of this power as that would accomplish the most good. But Jesus didn’t come to lead from an Earthly throne. That would be underneath Him. He didn’t come to spread good from on high. That would betray His heart. He came to give each person, not people, but each person what they needed to know the Father.

There is a distinct difference between “people” and “each person”. People can be nameless, faceless, and unknown. Jesus did not want that and neither do we. We are people focused in that we want to get know and touch and care for each person God puts in our path. That can be a difficult task, but it is an important. Each person wants to feel loved and seen and known. Jesus wants to use our eyes, hands, and mouths to reach out so they might Know Him!

So don’t befraid. Be bold. Don’t take the easy route but follow the example of Jesus. They need it. You need it. We all need it.

Following Him,

Pastor Jeff