News From Pastor Matt For June

In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 we read, “Pray without ceasing”. What power and presence are found in an active prayer life. Conversation with the Creator, Sustainer, and Lord that encourages, convicts, and brings peace. I have been reminded over the last few months of the importance of praying and how it deepens my perspective on my life in relation to the One I serve and others around me. I would encourage you, much like Paul, to make prayer a priority in your life.

May was the month of ministry taking a pause for the summer, the end of the school year, and the end of some of our students’ high school years. Mission Kids met for the final time this school year. The rain kept us from going over to Dairy Dee for ice cream, but we were still able to pick up some ice cream from there and enjoy it in the gym. Mission Kids will resume on August 28, 2024. The Youth Group pushed through to the end of school and the students did a great job staying focused. The Youth Group will continue to meet during the summer as we prepare for the mission trip, camps, and various other activities. Finally, in May our senior students graduated from high school. I am praying for their future endeavors and for their continued pursuit of the Lord.

The month of June is going to be another busy one. The first week of June will be Vacation Bible School at FBC Ramsey. The second week the Youth Group is headed on a mission trip to Coal City and Elmwood Park. The last week in June will be an opportunity for some students to experience a week of discipleship through IBSA at Super Summer. Please be in prayer for all of these events that God would not only use our students, but He will continue to develop His character in each one.

Enjoy the beginnings of summer and more importantly, enjoy daily conversations with God.

Pastor Matt