Notes from Pastor Jeff

 Jesus called his disciples and said, “I have compassion on the crowd, because they’ve already stayed with me three days and have nothing to eat. I don’t want to send them away hungry, otherwise they might collapse on the way.” ~ Matt 15:32

When Jesus was on Earth one of the remarkable phrases often used to describe Him was how He had compassion for people. Everyone who came up to Him received healing of somekind. Or when people had traveled far and wide to listen to Him preach, He would feed them because He had compassion. If they were outcast and on the fringes of society He sought them out because He had compassion on them.

This is an important principle to remember as we begin to become more people focused. Note, this isn’t pity, but rather it is compassion. Pity is simply looking upon someone who you would consider lower or not up to your level. Compassion is a sense of love and care for someone regardless who they are or where they come from. It is an intentional act of demonstrating our equality and worth and not our social standing and wealth.

For us, being people focusing is looking at people the way Jesus looked at them. It is about loving them. It is about supporting them. It is about sharing truth with each other. It is about praying for them. It is also about opening your life up and letting them in.

Christ didn’t come for things or events or places, but He came for people. He always cared for people and we need to make a greater effort to care for people as well. Our goal is to walk in the steps of Jesus and in order to do that then we need to love those around no matter who they may be.

Following Him,

Pastor Jeff