Pastor Jeff

Again Jesus placed his hands on the man’s eyes. The man looked intently and his sight was restored and he saw everything clearly.” – Mark 8:25

We are in the middle of reminding ourselves to keep things simple in everything we do. We have been learning what simplicity is and what it is not. It has been challenging and thought provoking as readjust some things around here.

This has been especially helpful for us as begin preparations for our Passage of Scripture exhibit which will happen in January. We did this 5 years ago, in January of 2020. Then the world fell apart. So, for it’s 5th anniversary, we are going to do it again, with an added component. We are going to see how the Bible has been Illustrated throughout the centuries by art, in order to teach it’s message and relate it to a world which is visual.

We are in themiddle of getting things ready and the further we get into this process the stronger the tug begins to pull wth all the things we could possibly do to make it so much bigger and better and more complicated. Oops! It is amazing how quickly we can complicate things.

So we fight against the urge to complicate and run in circles to the point we forget to pray, share the gospel, and focus on the people who will be coming to see this life changing presentation.

I pray you are starting to get excited about this opportunity to reach out to our whole region with gospel. You will be hearing more about this the closer we get to it. We are not capable of pulling this off on our own, so we are going to need your help. And we need it to start now. Begin by praying for the people who will come and that they will clearly see the God who loves them and gave Himself for them. Also pray for those preparing the new part of the exhibit as we try to keep it simple and effective.

Following Him,

Pastor Jeff