Pastor Matt

Philippians 3:14 states, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” As summer winds down and the school year begins, I have been reflecting on the busyness that has taken place. I sometimes get lost in the schedule, until I realize that the schedule is not the end goal. The end goal is advancing the Kingdom of God through the work of the triune God, while looking forward to eternity. May we who follow Jesus continue to press on and into the upward call.

July has been a full month of camp at the Rehoboth Baptist Campground. All the camps went well, and God received the glory. Students enjoyed games, activities, good food, Bible study, and worship. Forever friendships were created through a week of time spent with one another. I am grateful and thankful for all the adult volunteers who served each week!

August has arrived and with it arriving it is time to go back to school. Before school starts though we will have our Summer Extravaganza on August 10 starting at 10am. Summer Extravaganza will be a Splash, so come prepared to get wet! On Sunday, August 11 at 6pm we will have a time of prayer for the 2024-2025 school year in front of Ramsey High School. On Tuesday, August 13 at 11am we will meet at the school to serve all our school staff lunch, encouraging them as the school year begins. On Tuesday, August 20 at 7:30am we will have our first FCA meeting with donuts, chocolate milk, and Jesus! 

Since school is starting again that means it is time for Mission Kids! Mission Kids is a program designed for preschool to 6th grade students to help them know Christ and then make Him known through service. Wednesday, August 28, at 5:00pm will be our kickoff here at FBC Ramsey with food and fun!

I know the schedule already seems full for the month of August, but please be in prayer that we all start Kingdom focused.

Pastor Matt