Pastor Matt

“For this reason I remind you to kindle afresh the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.” Just as Paul encourages Timothy to refresh his faith in God and to stand firm in communicating the Gospel, so may we remember the spirit of fear should not be found in those who trust in the Lord. I was reminded of this fact this month during one of our FCA meetings as we talked about Caleb trusting the Lord’s promise and not looking at the strength, height, or circumstances that stood in the way of that promise. I pray for faithfulness in trusting the Lord and His promises.

We had a great month in September as the students and parents settled into the school year routine. Mission Kids continue to meet on Wednesday nights for fun, fellowship, and Biblical truth. The Youth Group on Wednesday nights continue to discuss the foundations of truth found in God. As I stated earlier, we have been having fruitful mornings at FCA as we talk about the unsung heroes of the Bible. The Youth Group also participated in a cookout/ sleepover/ shenanigans at the FUNeral home, early morning time of prayer for See You at the Pole, and our first Lighthouse of the school year.

As we turn to October, we will continue to have plenty for our students to do to help them grow in the Lord and each other. Mission Kids will meet every Wednesday night besides the 23rd. The Youth Group will meet every Wednesday, including the 23rd, which will be held at the FUNeral home. On Wednesday the 30th, both groups will be packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child. The Youth Group will continue to have FCA the first and third Tuesday of the month at 7:30am. Our second Lighthouse will be on the 4th from 6:30-9:00pm and Field of Faith will take place at the VCHS football field on the 9th at 6:45pm.

Finally, thank you to all who are participating in OCC! If you have not had the chance to pick up an item or two, please check out the list and help us fill some boxes. I ask that you be in prayer for those boxes that will be packed, that they are a blessing and opportunity for the Gospel to go forth.