Words from Pastor Matt

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defense of my life;
Whom shall I dread?”, Psalm 27:1. Praise God that He saves and defends. Praise Him for His continual watch over those who are His. Praise God for His never-ending grace and mercy.

April was a good month for both the Youth Group and Mission Kids. Wednesday nights have been a good time of being in God’s Word and learning more about His truth. We have enjoyed fellowship and fun during our times together. The Youth Group hosted a luncheon and dessert auction for the upcoming summer mission trip to Chicago. Thank you to all who participated! The last Lighthouse for the school year was a fun time of food, games, and engaging God’s Word as we continued to talk about faith.

The month of May means the end of the school year. The last Wednesday night of Mission Kids will be on May 8th. We will head over to Dairy Dee that night for some ice cream! With the end of school, we experience also a time of celebrating our High School Graduates. Congratulations to Ty Benhoff, Micah Greenwood, Hayden Hayes, DeVon McDonald, and Bella Waggoner on all your hard work. Prayers for you as you continue to trust in the Lord. The High School Baccalaureate Service will be held at FBC Ramsey on May 15th and the Graduation at RHS on May 19th.   We also want to remember our 8th grade students who will be promoting to High School on May 28th. Keep up the good work, Beth Miller and Trenton Smith. 

Lastly, be in prayer for our students as they complete this school year. Be in prayer as they prepare for our summer mission trip. Be in prayer that God continues to use them as salt and light in their school.

Pastor Matt