Words from Pastor Matt

For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11). As the Youth Group begins a new school year, we are leaning into this verse about laying a solid foundation. Without building your life upon the solid foundation found in Jesus you will experience complete unrest. We will not just be covering the “basics”, but more importantly taking ownership of those basics as the foundation of our faith.

August was wrapped all around the start of school. We prayed for the school year, we provided lunch for our school staff, and had our first FCA of the school year. The Youth Group had a splash at Summer Extravaganza with plenty of water and fun. Congratulations to Bladyn on winning the Big Kahuna. Mission Kids kicked off with a great time of food and fun. Mission Kids is a meaningful time for our children to dive deeper into God’s Word, learn how to live for Jesus, fellowship with others, and find ways to serve. Be in prayer for our leaders and our children who are involved with this ministry, that God would give them a great year of learning more about God’s love.

As September approaches, both the Youth Group and Mission Kids will be meeting on Wednesday night at 6:00pm. The Youth Group will have a cookout at the FUNeral Home on Saturday, September 14th from 5:00pm-9:00pm. See You At the Pole, where students and adults gather at the school for a time of prayer, will be on the 25th  at 7am.  Our first Lighthouse for 7th-12th graders will be held on the 27th from 6:30pm-9:00pm. Lighthouse is an event that includes dinner, open gym, games, a time of worship, and a message from the Bible.

Please continue to be in prayer for our students as God is at work changing lives.

Pastor Matt