“Your Will Lord”

“Commit your activities to the Lord and your plans will be achieved.”
Proverbs 16:3
In Proverbs, there are several short pithy statements which are guidelines in which we are to walk in the way of wisdom. It seems like there are some that sound nice but in the times in which we live, are they really true? After all, haven’t all our plans fallen apart this year. How many activities have we
canceled already?
Proverbs is one of those books which seem very disjointed. We talk all the
time about context and looking at the verses around the ones you are
studying but those tried and true principles do not really fit in with Proverbs. However, one of the study principles we use is necessary with this book. That principle is: always interpret Scripture with Scripture. This verse is the same.
“Commit your activities to the Lord and your plans will be achieved.”
Proverbs 16:3
James reminds us that whatever we plan or do it is always with the
understanding of “if God wills…”. This is not just an excuse for God if He
doesn’t do what we ask, but rather it is an understanding that we have
limited perspective and wisdom. It is a cry of dependence on Him because we know that He knows best. What we are saying is this, “Lord, I am asking You for this, but if this is not Your will or if this interferes with what You have planned for me, then disregard this prayer, because I want whatever You have for me.”
So, this Proverb is important especially with the first part of the verse.
Commit your activities to the Lord. That means, put them in His hands to do
what is best whether we actually do them or not. For our ultimate plan is to
do the will of God.
Following Him,