A little something from Matt, Pastor of Students

As Easter approaches quickly, I am reminded of the grace and mercy provided through the death and resurrection of Jesus. His goodness is enough to satisfy the debt of my sin. He gives new life!

February was a great month for the Youth Group and Mission kids. Wednesday nights were a great time to connect with each other and encounter God’s Word. Both groups have continued to minister to students and parents. Our Valentines Day dinner Sunday Night Fellowship was also a successful fun time. We were able to thank our church family for their support while enjoying food and fellowship. Lighthouse again was a fun night of food, games, volleyball, and hearing from God’s Word. The Youth Rally was a fun night of fellowship with other youth groups!

In March both the Youth Group and Missions kids will continue to meet on Wednesday nights. The Youth Group will be going to Winter Jam on the 23rd in St. Louis. Fellowship of Christian Athletes will meet the 5th and the 19th for a time of donuts, chocolate milk, and Jesus. Lighthouse is schedule for the 15th from 6:30-9:00pm.

Continue to pray for our students as they continue to see the goodness of God work in their lives. Continue to pray that God continues to cultivate the ground for His Word to make an impact in the lives of our community.

Pastor Matt